Factors Associated with the Emotional Intelligence among Youth University Students
Nowadays, emotional intelligence (EI) is an emerging topic for psychological, educational, and management researchers and consultants. EI is the ability to manage emotions and interact effectively with others. The purpose of our study is to assess the level of EI of young university students and its associated factors; and to develop a valid and reliable instrument of EI in Lebanon. During 2018, a cross-sectional study, which enrolled 705 university students chosen randomly in seven faculties was conducted. The survey included questions on socio-demographic characteristics, health behaviors, Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS). The attitudes related to media and technology usage assessed by using the last four sub-factors of the Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale. The translation and cultural adaptation of the WLEIS followed a standardized protocol. After that, the psychometric properties of the scale (i.e., feasibility, reliability, and validity) were evaluated. A total of 705 undergraduates filled out the questionnaire, of whom 74% were females, aged from 17 to 35 (mean=20.42±2.41) years. The rotated principal axis factor analysis produced four-factors, explaining 64.60% of the variance, corresponding to the hypothesized Self-Emotions Appraisal (SEA), Others-Emotions Appraisal (OEA), Use of Emotion (UOE), and Regulation of Emotion (ROE) scales of WLEIS. The internal consistency of the WLEIS scale was high for all subscales (Cronbach’s alpha > 0.70). The mean OEA score was significantly higher in females as compared to males (p=0.03). The students who study in public university and have physical activities had higher scores of the ROE (p<0.001); whereas the drinkers of alcohol (p=0.04) and smokers had lower scores (p=0.001). The relationship between SEA, OEA, UOE scores and academic performance was significant (p<0.001). The UOE and ROE were negatively and significantly correlated with the Dependence on Technology (r=-0.15; p<0.001). This study supports the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the WLEIS Arabic version as a screening tool of EI among young university students. The individuals working with students in the context of improving academic skills may want to routinely assess EI of their students in order to improve education, student development, personal well-being, and mental ability.
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