
Background: Maternal death reduction could be achieved through the utilization of hospital delivery services. In Nigeria, unfortunately delivery in health facilities where skill birth attendants exist is reported to be only 39%. Maternal satisfaction with hospital services will encourage utilization.

Aim of the study: The study was designed to assess the satisfaction of mothers’ and their intention to utilize delivery services in subsequent pregnancies at the Federal Teaching Hospital Gombe, North-East, Nigeria.

Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at the postnatal ward of the hospital amongst 250 women within 48 hours after childbirth. Data was collected with the use of a pretested, semi structured questionnaire and analysis done with SPSS statistical software version 25.

Results: Overall satisfaction with delivery services was 84.4% with only 15.6% dissatisfied. Total satisfaction with the cleanliness of the facility was 92.8%, interpersonal relationship 84.8%, information provided 74.4% and technical aspects of care 82.8%. As many as 78.4% of women will utilize the facility in future for delivery services. The major reason amongst this category being satisfaction with services (76.5%). Those who do not intend to utilize facility in the future were 21.6% amongst which 27.8% gave reasons as completed family size and only 22.2% would not because of dissatisfaction. Satisfaction was only statistically related to ethnicity (P value=0.02) and none amongst obstetric variables tested.

Conclusion: Majority of the women were satisfied with delivery services rendered and would utilize the facility in the future. There is need to sustain and further improve upon the quality of services.


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